Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal

You only get one chance at life. Who's writing your life story?

Do you know where you’re going and why? When you come to forks in the road, do you choose your path deliberately or just coast along in the deepest ruts? Are you enjoying the adventure of your life journey or finding it an arduous trek?

Passport 2 Purpose is about stepping off the treadmill to nowhere to regroup, to analyze the path of your past, and to replot your journey with real direction and purpose. We are here to help.

Where are you going in life?

Sometimes we can feel as if we are at sea, drifting through life without direction. We tried to do everything right, but it hasn’t worked out as expected. Perhaps we even achieved important goals but then found them unsatisfying or not worth the cost. Or an unexpected loss wrought havoc on our carefully laid plans.

Are you searching for life’s meaning and path, or feeling uprooted from home, family, marriage, or job? Passport 2 Purpose provides no answers, because that would imply there is only one set of answers that suit everyone. We believe that what you are searching for was always there, inside you, and that only you can find your personal answers. There is no easy recipe to follow. It will take time and introspection to uncover exactly who you are and were meant to become.

But once you figure out these things, the rest of your life can be much easier to navigate. Passport 2 Purpose is a book, a journal, and a series of retreats designed to help you answer these important questions. Just as a passport eases travel, your journal will guide your journey from now on.

We believe each person is unique, precious, worthy, and has a destiny.

Find yours!

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P2P Retreats & Book Clubs


Meeks Farm

See Inside!  Journey 1 excerpt,  Journey 2 excerptJourney 3 excerpt